Car Buzz

What’s Behind the Massive Drop in the Prices of Cars?

In recent days, something surprising happened in Pakistan’s car industry. Many car companies decided to Massive Drop in car prices significantly. This article looks into why this happened. We’ll discuss what Ali Khizer, an economist, says about it and how changes in taxes affected these price drops.


The surprise drop in car prices has grabbed the attention of both regular people and experts in the industry. Big companies like Kia, Peugeot, and Suzuki have cut their prices significantly, making people wonder why they did that.

Overview of Price Reductions

Kia, Peugeot, and Suzuki all made their cars much cheaper. Kia’s Stonic became 15 lac rupees cheaper, Peugeot’s  dropped Price of Car by 4.5 lac rupees, and Suzuki Swift’s prices went down by 7.1 lac rupees. This doesn’t happen often in Pakistan’s car industry, which makes people wonder why they did it.

Insights from Economist Ali Khizer

Economist Ali Khizer explains why Price of Car went down. He says that the new prices are much lower, with Stonic being 24% cheaper, Swift 13% cheaper, and Yaris 1.3 CVT and City CVT 3% cheaper each. Khizer also talks about why this happened, mentioning things like how many people want cars and new government rules.

Impact of New GST Regulations

One big reason for the lower car prices is because of new tax rules called Goods and Services Tax (GST). Khizer explains that Price of Cars now cost between Rs. 4.69 million and Rs. 4.77 million, which is less than before (Rs. 4.83 million to Rs. 6.28 million). This shows how much the 25% GST tax has affected car prices.

Ex-GST Prices and Regulatory Changes Explained

Khizer explains that the government changed the rules for how much tax cars with big engines have to pay. In March 2023, they increased the tax from 18% to 25% for cars with engines 1400cc and bigger. This made some cars, like the Stonic, much more expensive. After that, the government changed the tax rules again, and this affected car prices even more. Car companies then had to adjust their prices to follow these new rules.

Strategic Moves by Automakers

After more changes in March 2024, Toyota and Honda quickly made their cars cheaper. They did this to ensure that their cars stayed under Rs. 4 million so that the new tax wouldn’t make them too expensive. Kia and Suzuki did the same by lowering the prices of Stonic and Swift to match the new tax rules. This shows how the car industry can change fast to follow new rules and keep up with what people want.

Implications for Consumers and Market Competition

Because of the new rules, car prices are going down, which is good for people buying cars. Also, the competition between car companies is getting stronger. Toyota and Honda might change their prices to compete with Suzuki and Kia. This means people will have more choices and better prices when buying cars.


The big price drop in cars in Pakistan happened because of three main things: new rules, smart decisions by car companies, and competition between them. People looking to buy cars can now find cheaper options, and the top car brands might change their prices to attract more buyers. This shows how the car industry can quickly adapt to what people want and what’s happening in the economy.


Mufaqar is a seasoned developer, blogger, and the founder of Carbuzz. With expertise in technology, he shares valuable insights and resources through his renowned blog. Committed to excellence, Mufaqar empowers readers with the latest industry knowledge and guidance to excel in their automobile technoloyg.

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